Thursday, December 18, 2008

Marsh Deals 12/18 - 12/24

Check out the current Marsh deals, thanks to Bargain Briana.

A few highlights:
4/$10 - 6 pk or 12 pk Pepsi, Coke, or 7-Up (for 12pk cans, this is the best deal I ever see at the stores) **You have to buy 4 packs in order to get the special price. Limit 1 offer.

$2.99 California Naval Oranges

3/$3.99 General Mills Chex cereals (instant savings when you buy 3) Use coupon, 99 cents each! (FYI - $1.50 is the highest price I will pay for cereal with or without coupons)

If you are new to deal shopping at Marsh, click HERE to get the scoop from Bargain Briana!

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